ShareMyToolbox Tutorials Updated

Tool Tracking Tutorials update

We now have tutorials for ShareMyToolbox on our website! Since we will be changing these a number of times over the new few months as features are added, we haven\’t jazzed them up yet. You\’ll have to put up with my non-radio voice for a bit, but just focus on the content and not my “southernisms.”  You can find the tutorials here.

The videos include the following sessions:

Web Admin (Enterprise only)
Grid Functionality
Adding and Editing Tools on the Grid
Importing Tools from Excel (CSV format)
Exporting Tools to Excel
Adding Employees (Connections)
Modifying Your Profile and Settings

Mobile (iOS)
Using the Mobile Dashboard
Adding/Editing Tools
Borrowing Tools Workflow
Loaning Tools Workflow
Checking Tools In/Out Workflow
Transfer Tools Workflow (Enterprise Only)
Bar Code Setup and Workflow (Enterprise Only)

Note that our Android version will be released in April.

As always, give me a call anytime with your questions and I look forward to having you as a customer!

See Tool Tracking Tips

Free and open access to articles, case studies and tool tracking best practices.