More New Functions for Year End

S60 tool tracking app

Dear ShareMyToolbox User:
We’re excited to announce several enhancements that have either been released or will be in the near future. There’s something for everyone here – both our free mobile-only and Enterprise users!

Several weeks ago we released a new tool history tab on the web interface for Enterprise users.This has been available all along on mobile devices, but now it can be reported on and manipulated via our web grid. You can filter, sort, group and export your data just like the tool grid.

ShareMyToolbox Web Portal V1 Screen

Speaking of our web interface, we have also started on some major enhancements. We will be upgrading the look and feel and adding more grid flexibility. We will be eliminating the filter bar in favor of a drop-down menu on the column header (see below).

The menu will allow you to sort, selective hide columns, apply multiple filters and lock (freeze) columns similar to Excel.

We eliminated persistence a few months ago (saving grid formats) due to various issues, but this will be reimplemented along with some substantial performance improvements.

We have also removed inline editing of records in favor of a pop-up form entry.

Mobile Enhancements:

The are a number of nice mobile enhancements on the way for everyone! The first is making the due back date optional when loaning or transferring a tool. We’ve also reworked the format so that iOS works similar to Android.

iOS Old View
New View iOS & Android

We still may make minor changes to the UI, so don’t hold us to the exact look of these screens!

The next enhancement coming soon is the ability for any user connected to an Enterprise account to scan barcodes. Previously only Admins could scan and it was limited to check in/out. With the enhancements, scanning a tool will display options in context to the tool’s status and owner. Several examples are shown below.

Available Tool – Owner
Available Tool – Borrower
Available Tool – Borrower

We made a minor tweak to the summary tool view to show the person or entity associated with the tool status. If the tool is borrowed (or loaned out) the tool will display “Loaned – User Name” with the applicable due back date, if any.

If the tool is available, it will display “Available – Tool Owner.”

If the tool has been marked unavailable by the tool owner, it will display “Unavailable – Tool Owner.” Previously you could not tell if a tool was unavailable or loaned without clicking and viewing the detail.

Another minor tweak – we now include connection detail on the status tab of the tool detail, ie, phone number, email and address.

FYI – we are firing both Hillary and Donald from our demo database after the election! LOL

The last and probably most consequential change to our mobile app is a rework of the search functionality. This one is really cool and we put a lot of thought into the UX. On the global serch option you will still be able to search by text string, but you will be able to filter and group by manufacturer, category, tool status and connection. As you make selections, the server will be performing the search and dynamically returning the number of records found. This will allow you to narrow your search as much as possible before viewing a tool list.

I hope you like our pipeline of enhancements! We still have quite a few things on our roadmap, but if you have suggestions please let us know. We’re always open to ideas for improving ShareMyToolbox.

And don’t forget to review the tutorials on our website here.

Chuck Elyea, CCIFP
Founder, ShareMyToolbox | 704-201-1222 (c)
Small Tool Tracking and Management for Contractors
Vice Chairman, Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals
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