April 2017 Newsletter – Search Enhanced

Tool Phone White - Search Screen

Dear ShareMyToolbox User:
We’re excited to announce a major enhancement to our mobile search functionality. This was just released to Google Play and will be available for download late this afternoon. We submitted to the Apple store yesterday. Apple’s review process is currently running 3 days, so we do not expect it to be approved before this weekend.

In this release you will be able to perform key word searches by tool title, description, manufacturer and category as before, but we have added the barcode field. Several of you requested this if you are writing numbers on tools rather than actually using barcodes.

In addition to filtering by manufacturer, you can now filter by category, tool status and connection. As you apply filters and search key words, the app will dynamically display the number of tools found.

Finally, similar to the grouping bar on our web interface (Enterprise version) you will now be able to group tools by category, manufacturer, status and connection.

Old Search followed by New Search Screens

Tool Tracking April 2017 1
Tool Tracking April 2017 3
Tool Tracking April 2017 2

In the example to the left, I entered the key word “hammer” because I’m looking for hammer drills. I did not select a filter, but I chose to group the results by manufacturer. The orange button shows that I have 3 results.

If I click on the orange button, the screen below left displays showing three manufacturers with one tool each.

Clicking on Porter Cable displays the screen below right. I can then click on the tool to display more detail or long press (Android) for workflow options depending on the tool status. (If you have iOS you would swipe left).

Tool Tracking April 2017 5
Tool Tracking April 2017 4

I hope you like our search enhancement! I think you will be pleasantly surprised that we have optimized it for performance as well. We still have quite a few things on our roadmap, but if you have suggestions please let us know. We’re always open to ideas for improving ShareMyToolbox.

And don’t forget to review the tutorials on our website here and give us a 5-star rating on the app stores!

Chuck Elyea, CCIFP
Founder, ShareMyToolbox | 704-201-1222 (c)
Small Tool Tracking and Management for Contractors
Vice Chairman, Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals
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