A new tool workflow for web—Loan, Borrow, Transfer, and Return made easy.

Say Hello to Actions Tool Workflow

ShareMyToolbox Actions Workflow

Since launching the new Web Portal this past summer, we’ve been hard at work building upon this amazing new platform to give you even more robust options for managing all your small tools. And we’re flippin’ excited to release Actions – the tool workflow solution for web. Using a familiar “add to cart” approach, we think you’ll find this solution intuitive and dang fast. Take a look at Actions:

Taking Action—As Easy as 1,2,3.

Three parts to ShareMyToolbox Actions: 1. Action Workflow Types 2. Item Search and Filter 3. Cart to Process
ShareMyToolbox Search and Filter

Search & Filter on the fly.

Select Loan, Return, Field or Warehouse Transfer, and perform a Search. Actions only show items that fit the type you selected.

ShareMyToolbox Actions Cart


Perform as many Search and Filters as you like within a single Action type, adding Items to the Cart as you go.

ShareMyToolbox Actions Check Out

Check Out to take action.

When you Check Out your Cart, you’ll be able to give any additional parameters such as Connections, Locations, and Due Back dates to complete your tool workflow.

ShareMyToolbox Excel Export

Export to Excel & more.

Quickly export your Cart to Excel either before or after the Check Out process. Plus robust features like column select and quick Item view.

Take Action on Individual Items Easily

ShareMyToolbox Actions on Item Card

We’ve also added Actions tool workflow to the individual Item record cards, making it easy to quickly take action on a single Item directly from the Items menu.

Enterprise Customers:

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