Why You Can Love Using Technology and the Buying Experience

Friendly robot

A Tech Company Making It Easy to Try Out, Purchase, Fix, and Even Stop Using Their Products

An article titled “I Love Using Technology—but I Hate Buying It” recently published by the Wall Street Journal is a familiar experience for many of us when it comes to dealing with tech companies. The author, Dr. Alexandra Samuel, is a technology researcher and co-author of “Remote, Inc.: How to Thrive at Work…Wherever You Are.” In the article, Samuel expresses frustration about the difficulties in trying out, purchasing, fixing, and stopping use of tech products. We fully agree. In fact, we delve into the key points raised in the article and demonstrate why working with ShareMyToolbox will be a unique tech experience.

Make my free trial really free and not such a trial  

confused looking business man with a computer who doesn't love using technology.

The Typical Path:
Many software companies take advantage of the free trial to obtain credit card information and make it difficult to cancel charges, even limiting features that require purchasing the full version before determining its suitability. 

Our free 14-day trial is a full-product, no credit card required evaluation including 5 user accounts. No hidden strings, no hidden features. We want you to see the full power of ShareMyToolbox without any barriers so you can love using technology.

Straightforward pricing

The Typical Path:
It’s typical to be offered a monthly rate that is exclusive to a yearly prepayment, unable to outright purchase the software. People want clarity in the cost for using the software, allowing them to choose between a monthly “dating” plan or a long-term “marriage” purchase.

There’s nothing hidden in the monthly subscription to ShareMyToolbox. There’s a flat base rate for using the Enterprise system (that gets you Web Portal access + 1 admin). Then you can add more users in blocks of 5. That’s it. We prefer monthly because it’s just easier for everyone. 

Tell, don’t show 

drawing of person using a tablet showing the ShareMyToolbox workflow. Love Using Technology.

The Typical Path:
Many tech products only provide video documentation, which doesn’t alway suit someone’s learning style or environment. 

Our Knowledge Base is full of rich step-by-step documentation images, video tutorials, and even quizzes. Your pick. We think ShareMyToolbox is easy to use, but our documentation gives you all the details you’d ever want to know in a format that works for you. 

Support like you sell and just give me a human 

The Typical Path:
Many tech companies are great at attracting new customers, only to subject them to complicated and time-consuming processes when it comes to needing tech support. So many aren’t even human and make you jump from robot to person to person just to explain the issue. It’s hard to love using technology with crappy support.

Imagine reaching out to a tech company, and the founder answers his cell phone. No matter if he’s sitting at his desk, or out fishing on a boat on the weekend. And he knows the product inside and out. And has the ability to get something fixed quickly if there’s a bug. This is an area that makes ShareMyToolbox shine above all others. Our support is real and timely without any of the typical b.s. 

Give me an off-ramp 

The Typical Path:
Who thinks a software purchase should be a lifetime commitment? Things change. Businesses grow and evolve. People want a way to export their data in a standard format that works with other apps. 

With ShareMyToolbox your data is just that—your data. We offer both import and export options utilizing .csv and Excel. In fact, we’ll even help you do it. Data is super easy to view, dissect, filter and even export in ShareMyToolbox. While of course we’d hate to see you go, we won’t hold it against you. 

If you’re frustrated with tech companies prioritizing product sales over the entire customer experience, ShareMyToolbox is a welcome change. We work hard to gain your confidence and go above and beyond once you become a valued customer. And if we’re just not the right product fit for you, there’s a graceful and mature breakup if the time comes.