Welcome to the press resources for ShareMyToolbox. Here you’ll find information about ShareMyToolbox, our history, our products, and our announcements.
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Simple is Better
Before officially launching in 2015, Founder Chuck Elyea had this idea that a solution for tracking small tools didn’t have to be complicated. In fact, in order for it to actually work, the whole thing had to be so simple – from signing up, to setting up your inventory, to the ease of sharing and tracking. You’ll find that simplicity is at the core of ShareMyToolbox. We truly want to help construction companies thrive, improving accountability and visibility through small tool tracking. Learn about the history, team, and more >
What Makes ShareMyToolbox Different
Simply put, ShareMyToolbox is a mobile-first field tracking and small tool management software solution based on peer-to-peer sharing. While there are so many ways you could build a tool tracking system, ShareMyToolbox focuses on the field first through our mobile apps. A company catalogs their tools and makes connections to their users to assign tools. It’s these Connections where the magic happens. Users can share tools, transferring both the tool and responsibility for the tool from user to user with a barcode or QR code tool tracking system, removing the need for an office or warehouse person to manage the transfer. We empower employees to make better use of tools, allowing them to search for what they need before buying something new. We enable the company to reduce the annual cost of buying and managing tools.
Our Products
ShareMyToolbox Mobile App
Built natively for iOS and Android, it’s the ShareMyToolbox mobile app that powers field construction teams to track, find, and share tools across their network. Available with a free version to get started, or enable enhanced features when you sign up for a Business Subscription account.
ShareMyToolbox Web Portal
Our powerful cloud-based Business Web Portal allows companies to manage all aspects of ShareMyToolbox, including company settings, employees, connections and tools. We also provide robust features such as uploading or downloading records using Excel, running reports, requesting field audits and more.
Our Brand
Coming Soon!
Recent News
Introducing the All-New ShareMyToolbox Dashboard and Task Manager
At ShareMyToolbox, innovation drives everything we do. For 2025, we’re excited to bring you something…
Staying Ahead in Tool Management Technology: ShareMyToolbox’s 2024 Milestones
As we close the chapter on 2024, it’s clear that the world of tool management…
Streamlining Your Tool Management: Recent Updates and What’s Coming Soon
Manage Your Connections on the Go!
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