Tool Costing Released

Tool Costing

Many contractors have the need to track costing rates for tools and small equipment. Often this is not needed on every job. However, on the jobs where detailed costing is needed the effort to maintain records and produce invoicing files can be significant. ShareMyToolbox is now helping contractors meet these requirements in a simple way.

Our new costing module leverages the detailed loan/borrow transaction workflow that is created automatically as field workers check tools in/out of the warehouse and as tools transfer from job to job in the field. ShareMyToolbox is tracking who has each tool and what location the tool is assigned to. With this information contractors using ShareMyToolbox can now generate customized exports into Excel with all the tool details needed to generate costing & billing reports.

Costing Functionality

  • 4 Customizable rate fields on every tool record
  • Customizable fields can be turned on/off
  • Labels on fields can be changed to reflect internal/external rates, or daily/weekly rates as needed
  • MS Excel (.csv) file export makes adding custom calculations easy
  • Field workers make Zero extra effort between jobs with costing requirements and all other jobs
  • Costing data can be exported at anytime, there are no set days when data has to be sent out
  • Costing data can be exported as often as needed
  • Costing data can be filtered by any date range, any location or any connection

In typical fashion ShareMyToolbox has taken a complex operations requirement and offered a simple solution to solve 90% of the issues.

Watch our introduction video here: Tool Costing for Construction

Learn More about our Tool Inventory & Tracking App Here.